EDDY Awards: Celebrating and learning from our best teachers

艾迪奖, an annual event to celebrate Duval County's leading teachers, 是一个历史悠久的传统,并已发展成为其新的使命,以提升杰克逊维尔最好的老师的角色.



Darnell-Cookman Middle/High School

Dr. 索厄尔是一名科学教师,他深深体会到自己的课程对“此时此地”的影响.他对学生对科学作为一门学科的理解充满热情, how science works and how scientific knowledge is generated. 他工作是为了使人兴奋, 让他的学生每天都能理解和改善他们周围的世界.

Dr. Sowell’s students learn science by doing science. 而不是把讲座放在实验室里让他的学生证明他说的是正确的, Dr. 索威尔将亲身体验放在讲座之前,这样他的学生就可以通过探索真实的科学情境来创造自己的学习. He develops a strong community of learners in his classroom, fostering a climate of collaboration, empathy and kindness where critical thinking and creative expression are valued.

As a novice-teacher 导师 and professional development 主持人, Dr. Sowell works directly with the newest faculty members at Darnell-Cookman, encouraging them to constantly improve by seeking new knowledge. 他对实践的热情在课堂上以及在他回馈给他的专业和科学探究领域的时间里都是显而易见的.

我相信博士. Sowell epitomizes the characteristics of a great teacher. 他是一位伟大的老师, 导师, 主持人, 团队合作精神和整体关怀的人谁将真正代表最好的达尼尔库克曼…

W. 简哈维,Curriculum and Technology Integration Specialist Darnell-Cookman Middle/High School


  • Ph.D.佛罗里达州立大学硕士.S.佛罗里达州立大学
  • B.A., University of North FloridaB.S., University of North Florida


  • 12 years of teaching experience
  • Science Department Head, Darnell-Cookman MS/HS
  • 学校领导委员会
  • 2009-present – Shared Decision-Making Committee
  • 2011 – presenter at annual conference of the Magnet Schools of America
  • 2010年至今-杜瓦尔县MINT/TIP项目新手教师导师

克里斯蒂J. Constande


Ms. 康斯坦德引以为豪的是,她创造了一个让每个学生都感到足够安全的教室,可以冒险分享自己的想法和表达自己的感受. She takes her role to develop lifelong readers and writers seriously, providing each student with opportunities to be independent thinkers and workers. She describes education like a favorite book; the teacher is the prize-winning author, students are the beloved characters and the setting is the inviting classroom. Ms. Constande’s classroom focuses on books, 作者, 插图画家, 单词, guiding questions and instructions.She calls her students “friends” and works to make each one feel welcomed, respected and safe when they step into her classroom. Ms. Constande’s friends don’t raise their hands when they want to ask a question, they wait for the appropriate time to join the conversation. 他们可以在房间里自由地取回他们需要的材料,必要时可以使用洗手间.

八年前. 康斯坦德与一名共同教师和一名ESE教师合作,为特殊标准学生制定并试行了一项包容计划. 对她所有的学生的高期望导致了巨大的成功,这个项目已经被世界各地的教育工作者观察到. Ms. Constande aspires to have her students become contributors to the community.每年他们都会制作一个篮子或无声拍卖,使苏兹巴赫中心受益,并将无家可归的问题与文学联系起来,通过像 飞回家 作者:Eve Bunting. 她继续在麦肯齐威尔逊学术资源中心志愿服务, 为来自切茨溪附近的大量英语学习者提供辅导.

-- 苏珊T. 菲利普斯 本金, 切茨克里克小学


  • M.A.他是杰克逊维尔大学的教授
  • B.A.普渡大学


  • 26 years of teaching experience
  • 2005 – Dare to Soar – Literacy Model Classroom
  • 1992- Exceptional Student 教育 Mainstreaming Teacher of the Year



The year was 1959 and 辛迪惠誉 was a fourth grade student in Ms. Pearl Cain’s classroom at Ruth N. Upson小学. 她记得她的老师是如何让每个人都相信他们有特殊的天赋和重要的贡献. After 39 years as a teacher, Ms. 惠誉 continues to try to emulate what Ms. Cain modeled in that classroom all those years ago.

Ms. 费奇创造了一个温暖而诱人的学习环境,在那里她与知道她关心他们的学生建立了牢固的关系. When you walk into her classroom, you see shelves stocked with books, walls covered with math concepts and motivational posters, rocking chairs and even a bathtub filled with pillows, a favorite reading place for her students.

Ms. 惠誉得到了家长的支持, 通过她每年制作的《bwin时时彩平台》来帮助橡树山的家庭和社区. The production provides every student with an opportunity to shine, no matter how big a part they play!I n addition to her work in the classroom, Ms. 惠誉 is a state trainer for the Florida Performance Measurement System, Peer-Teacher and Clinical Educator trainer, 考试培训, trainer for Increasing Human Effectiveness, and a 导师 to beginning teachers. 1991年,. 费奇是杜瓦尔县的十名教师之一,他们被选派到杰克逊维尔的姐妹城市进行第一次教师交流之旅, 摩尔曼斯克, 俄罗斯.

“It seems that in education today, too many educators do not understand thatteaching is a craft, one that cannot be mastered yet perpetually refined. Ms. 惠誉, 虽然, 是否有一个完美的例子,她明白这一点,每天都在努力成为最好的自己.”

艾米明亮 主要 橡树山小学


  • M.E.匡威学院
  • B.S.温斯洛普学院


  • 39 years of teaching experience
  • 2007 – The Gladys Pryor Award for Career Teaching Excellence
  • 2006-2007 – Duval County Teacher of the Year Finalist
  • 2006-2007 – Teacher of the Year John Stockton Elementary
  • 1998-1999 – Teacher of the Year John Stockton Elementary
  • 1987-1988- Teacher of the Year West Riverside Elementary
  • 1981-1982 – Teacher of the Year West Riverside Elementary



Ms. Houston describes herself as a statistic. 她是50%的新教师之一,他们在最初的五年里离开了这个行业. She goes on to describe how she missed the children; the sense of accomplishment in June when the last grade is entered and the rhythm of life associated with the flow of the school year. 今天,女士. Houston describes herself as a career educator and a lifetime student. She strives to be the kind of teacher who can make a believer out of any child, 无论背景如何.

In order to accomplish her goal, Ms. 休斯顿致力于将她在课堂上传授的信息与学生在课堂外的生活联系起来. 她和一组老师一起工作,以确保她的学生在离开高中时富有同情心, caring adults prepared for college or a career. In addition to classroom work, Ms. 休斯顿建立了一个诗歌咖啡馆,学生们可以自由地分享原创诗歌或最喜欢的诗句. 新成立的作家匿名俱乐部(Writers Anonymous Club)每两个月举行一次会议,并在秋季举办“诗歌大满贯”活动.” Ms. 休斯顿还帮助建立了第一海岸的互动章,该章的成员每月自愿为苏兹巴赫中心的无家可归者提供食物. 她的校园清洁倡议组织每年每个季节都会举办志愿者清理活动. Ms. Houston also serves as the lead teacher for the English 10 team and her SLC.

Ms. Houston sees teaching as a vocation rather than a job. 她为学生的成功感到骄傲,每天都在努力培养每个学生的学习欲望.

“Ms. 休斯敦通过接触和教导学生的机会发现了成就感."

文森特·霍尔 主要 第一海岸高中


  • M.A.佛罗里达大学
  • B.A.佛罗里达大学


  • 9 years of teaching experience
  • 2003-2004 – Palm Bay High School Tenth Grade Teacher of the Year
  • 2002-2003年:获得罗曼语文系合作教学奖

劳伦·米. 马丁


“The role of a teacher is to be someone who WILL in children’s lives, because not every child has someone who will or can.” As a member of the 2010 Teach For America Corp., Ms. 马丁以一名四年级ELA老师的身份进入派恩代尔小学,她的成熟远远超过了她的年龄. 她的灵感来自她自己的四年级老师,她认为是他培养了她对写作的热爱. 她把这归功于她的祖父, 继祖母和母亲通过自己的职业生涯与模特专业.

Ms. 马丁 sets high expectations for all of her students, working to encourage each of them to understand that they can be successful. She focuses on helping her students understand the “why” of writing, 解释通过书面文字交流在生活的各个方面都是必要的. 她对这一前提的执着体现在去年她的学生FCAT写作成绩的提高上, 结果主要, 艾丽西亚Hinson, describes as “otherwise far-fetched.” 派恩代尔小学 went from an “F” school to an “A” in one year and Ms. 马丁 is credited for being instrumental to this turnaround.

I cannot ask for a more dedicated, 承诺, 她是一位富有同情心的老师,尽管学生们处境艰难,但她总能看到他们最好的一面.

艾丽西亚Hinson主要 派恩代尔小学


  • B.A.佛罗里达大学


  • 2 years of teaching experience
  • 职系主席
  • Pinedale Leadership Team Membership




of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.